my journey
I have spent most of my life battling that love/hate relationship with food and exercise. I have dealt with digestive issues for years, suffered from IBS and regularly felt bloated, sluggish and overly full, unable to find the key trigger. I have tried it all, embarking on the next monthly diet ‘fad’ or ‘phase’ alongside some crazy sporadic exercise schedule, depriving my body and mind of all the things I love!
Looking back now, it’s not surprising that I constantly felt low, tired, stressed and restricted (the list goes on…) My body and mind was left exhausted, consuming little to no fats, carbs and calories whilst spending hours at the gym dreading my next step on that treadmill or next spin of the bike.
With all these ‘rules’ and ‘restrictions’ its fair to say these ‘quick-fix’ outbursts with what I saw to being healthy never lasted and any results were short lived! I felt unsatisfied, unhappy and always body conscious – I had no glow to my skin, I needed hours of sleep and that sweet tooth craving was a constant struggle!
After so many attempts to reach my health goals and only feeling the effects of an over-controlled, stressful and exhausting lifestyle, I started to research, searching the web for all the blogs and sites I could find to educate myself on health and nutrition. It was here, that I quickly embarked on my new journey. I soon learned that I had to stop struggling and fighting and to start to love, nourish and respect my body and mind to feel amazing. The key was ultimately a balanced lifestyle – everything in moderation. I started to enrich my body with whole foods, nourishing it from the inside out. I ate natural, local, organic, seasonal, fresh and wholesome produce and put a regular varied exercise regime in to place. One that I enjoyed and looked forward to - a combination of high intensity workouts alongside yoga and regular walks with friends. I soon lost weight, my skin glowed and I was bursting with energy, saying goodbye to those ‘naughty’ cravings and that 4pm energy slump.
No longer did I feel deprived or glued to an ingredients list, counting calories, a slave to my scales or fighting those tedious weight loss battles with countless hours spent in the gym. I finally felt in control of my life again, I was free from that confusing maze, I understood what I could eat and said a big goodbye to any temptation to try the next crazy monthly ‘fad’. I learned the importance of food to our health, body, mind, mood and ultimately our wellbeing. I tried new and different foods and learned to love to cook and create many delicious yet nourishing recipes that would keep you fuelled all day long. I soon realised how many people live these crazy, highly stressful and demanding lifestyles, feel unsure of how to cope, how to feel happy, healthy, energised and fuelled for their days ahead. I realised how many people felt the way I had and through my experiences I could help them take control of their life again, find their life balance and feel amazing through a few simple and easy lifestyle changes.
I completed my 200HR Yoga Teacher Training and began studying at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and here my journey began and Emily Cohen Health was created. I was passionate about the way the body moved and how this now differed from our primal state due to our new modern ways of living. I completed my Personal Training Level 3 and went on to specialise in functional movement and mobility, desperate to show my clients the importance of flexibility and strength combined, not only whilst exercising but also in our day to day lives.
With this website I hope to help you see that this is all possible for you too. I hope my overall philosophy can provide you with some inspiration to focus on clean & simple, healthy & active living in today’s busy world. Healthy is not a diet, a ‘fad’, a week or months choice, it is a lifestyle that can easily and seamlessly be introduced into yours through just a few simple, small steps which will ultimately achieve long-lasting lifestyle changes. I want my website to be your ‘go to’ - to answer your burning questions, to inspire you and to guide you. I want it to deliver and to give you that kick-start that everyone needs to embark on their own journey. With this, please feel free to contact me, to comment, to ask me questions, to share your stories and experiences and to introduce yourself – you name it, I would love to see and hear all about you!